bayatenergylogoRecently, Bayat Energy began a partnership with the government of Afghanistan to develop a three-phase independent power production program. This $250 million investment plan will bring growth, stability, and opportunity to the Sheberghan community, and electricity to the nation as a whole.

In what would be the first gas-fired power plant built since the Soviet era, the Sheberghan power plant brings the latest in technology to Afghanistan, and will provide over 52 MW of power to the nation. By taking advantage of the gas supply present in the area, the plant will reduce the nation’s dependence on outside sources for electricity. In addition, the area will have a safe, reliable source for energy.

The second and third phases of the energy initiative involve further decreasing the nation’s energy dependence on outside sources by scaling the power capacity to over 200 MW in two separate phases. Furthermore, the plant will continue to adopt the newest and most efficient technologies to improve the production of energy, as well as the facility itself.

The power plant will bring jobs for both skilled and unskilled laborers, not only in the Sheberghan community where the plant will be built, but also in communities nationwide which will benefit from increased electricity access.

Dr. Ehsan Bayat has collaborated with humanitarian organizations in the nation of Afghanistan to improve the quality of life for all citizens, regardless of political, religious, or ethnic affiliation. His mission of restoring the dignity of the Afghan nation is moving forward, one project at a time.